Welcome to Webdigitology, a dedicated website and app development company committed to delivering innovative digital solutions. Please review the following terms and conditions that govern our services. By engaging with us, you acknowledge your understanding and acceptance of these terms.

Please Read All the terms and conditions Carefully.

1. Admin Panel Responsibility

  • Once the admin panel credentials are provided to the client, the responsibility for any subsequent errors, mishaps, or security breaches falls solely on the client.
  • Our company will not be held liable for any data loss, unauthorized access, or other issues arising from the client’s management or misuse of the admin panel.

2. Google Play Store Testing and Publishing

  • Upon receiving the testing link from the Google Play Store, we disclaim any responsibility for delays in the app’s publication. The client must be aware that new Play Store regulations necessitate at least 20 reviews from the client’s side or their organization before the app can be officially published.
  • Any delays resulting from the client’s failure to provide the required number of reviews or comply with Play Store policies are beyond our control and responsibility.

3. App Removal from Google Play Store

  • If the app is removed from the Google Play Store due to policy violations, terms and conditions breaches, or any other issues, our company will not be held accountable for the removal.
  • The client may request the republishing of the app, which will incur additional charges. Our responsibility will only be to assist in the republishing process once a formal request and payment are received from the client.

4. Errors Due to External Factors

  • Our company will not be held responsible for any errors, malfunctions, or issues in the website or app that arise due to changes in technology, server updates, or modifications in Play Store rules.
  • It is the client’s responsibility to stay informed about such changes and their potential impact on their app or website. Any required adjustments or updates to the app or website due to these external factors will be considered additional services and will be chargeable.

5. Refund Policy

  • In any of the situations mentioned above, no refunds will be provided.
  • Requests for replacement, changes to the project requirements, revocation, closure, or withdrawal of interest in the project will not be entertained, and no refunds will be given under any circumstances.

By agreeing to these terms and conditions, the client acknowledges their understanding and acceptance of the outlined responsibilities and limitations.

1. Project Initiation and Refunds: Upon project initiation, no refunds will be provided. Project initiation includes any work performed by Webdigitology such as planning, designing, coding, or deployment.

Elaboration: Once the project has commenced, our team invests significant time and resources into crafting your digital solution, making refunds impractical.

2. Completion of Payments upon App Publication: Full payment is required upon successful publishing of the app on the Google Play Store, regardless of the app’s subsequent performance or user engagement.

Elaboration: Your app’s publication marks a significant milestone, signifying the completion of our services. This requirement ensures a fair exchange for our efforts.

3. Timely Payments and Potential Charges: Delayed payments beyond the agreed-upon schedule may incur additional charges, which will be outlined in the project agreement.

Elaboration: Prompt payments are essential to maintaining project momentum and meeting deadlines. Any potential charges are designed to reflect the additional administrative effort caused by delayed payments.

4. Payment Completion Within 30 Days: Full payment must be completed within 30 days of project initiation, as outlined in the project agreement.

Elaboration: A 30-day timeframe ensures efficient progress and aligns with our project management schedule, allowing us to dedicate the necessary resources to your project.

5. Project Scope and Deliverables: The scope of the project, along with specific deliverables, timelines, and costs, will be defined in a separate agreement.

Elaboration: The project scope clarifies the expectations and responsibilities of both parties, ensuring transparency and effective collaboration.

6. Intellectual Property: All intellectual property developed during the project, including code, designs, and documentation, will be transferred to you upon successful completion and payment.

Elaboration: You gain ownership of the digital assets created, empowering you to maintain and evolve your solution.

7. Confidentiality and Data Security: Both parties commit to maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive information shared during the project, and data security measures will be implemented.

Elaboration: Protecting your data and intellectual property is our priority, and we ensure compliance with industry-standard security practices.

8. Changes to Project Scope: Any modifications to project scope or requirements must be documented in writing and may impact project timelines and costs.

Elaboration: Clarity and documentation are essential to effectively manage changes and minimize disruptions.

9. Termination of Agreement: Either party may terminate the project agreement with written notice. Services rendered up to the termination date will be invoiced according to the agreement.

Elaboration: Flexibility in project termination ensures both parties have recourse in unforeseen circumstances.

10. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution: These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of Jurisdiction of Bangalore, and any disputes shall be resolved through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration as mutually agreed.

Elaboration: Clear guidelines for conflict resolution promote open communication and fair outcomes.

Thank you for choosing Webdigitology as your website and app development partner. We are excited to collaborate with you and bring your digital vision to fruition while upholding these terms and ensuring a successful project journey.

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1. App Development
2. Website Development
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Products